Children & Youth Ministry Bake Sale
Children and Youth Ministries will host a Bake Sale on Sunday, January 30, from 10:30:-11:00 am in the Atrium to raise funds for Feed My Starving Children (FMSC). The goal is to raise $400 that will be delivered on Saturday, February 5, when the Village Church helps pack food packets for children at FMSC’s Libertyville location. To contribute, come to the Bake Sale or give online.
Everyone is invited to the Bake Sale (in place of coffee hour) and to sign up to serve between 4:00-6:00 pm on February 5. Advance registration is required, and the link is specifically for the Village Church’s time slot. FMSC’s location is 742 East Park Avenue, Libertyville, IL 60048.
If you have questions, please contact Nancy Frese, Children and Family Minister.