Equipped for Your Calling: A Study on Spiritual Gifts
Everyone loves to unwrap gifts and see what’s inside. This will be a three-week program sharing how to uncover, explore, and unleash your Spiritual Gifts. This will empower you to identify your calling and to share those gifts with others in a powerful way in our church, our community, and our world.
If you can’t come for all three sessions, join as you can as each one will have useful information. Two classes are available each Sunday in the Fireside Room and will be led by Karen Schlueter.
Sunday, July 24 10:00-10:55am & 11:05-12:00 pm
Sunday, July 31 10:00-10:55am & 11:05-12:00 pm
Sunday, August 7 10:00-10:55am & 11:05-12:00 pm