Lake Geneva Summer Camp (6th-9th Grade)

Early Bird – $475 for the week!
(This discount ends on March 17th, 2024)

Regular Price – $495 for the week!
Deadline to register is June 9th, 2024

If you need to apply for a partial scholarship, please reach out to Ed!

A WEEK OF CAMP… for our Junior Highers!!! This is the same location as the 3rd-6th grade camp, but it is NOT the same camp program!

Campfires, swimming, team games, handcraft, cabin time, zip line, giant swing, rock climbing, and more! Summer Camp at Lake Geneva Ministries will be an unforgettable experience for our 6th-9th graders! Enjoy all the recreational activities they have to offer in a safe environment. Grow in knowing and loving Jesus with current and new friends. Be encouraged through the impact of chapels that engage with authenticity. These camps are designed to be a time set apart for life-changing experiences in Christ.

A typical day at CAMP!

7:45  Wake Up & Cabin Clean Up
8:15  Get to the Flag Pole!
8:30  Breakfast
9:15 Chapel
10:30 Rec Activities
12:15 Get to the Flag Pole!
12:30  Lunch
1:15  All Camp Game
2:00 Cabin Choice
4:15  Patch Time
5:15 Get to the Flag Pole!
5:30  Dinner
6:15  All Camp Game
7:30 Cabin Discussion
8:00  Chapel
9:15 Campfire & Snack
10:00 Lights Out!


Morning water sports are scheduled from about 7-8 in the mornings. Each camper who signs up will be assigned a morning to do this with their cabin mates who’ve also signed up. They have the opportunity to do tubing, wakeboarding, water skiing, and other options first thing on the lake while it’s smooth and without wave disturbance from other boats.


Paintball is in the afternoons during free time. Two teams face-off, and a team wins by being the last team with people on the field! Depending on the number of players and time left in the time block, the staff present may also allow other game options like capture the flag or every man for himself. The paint is washable.

What to Expect:

  • Quality time with adult leaders & mentors!
  • Unique camp activities that will teach life skills while having fun.
  • Age-appropriate and engaging chapel times where campers will learn about God’s love for them and how to live for Him.
  • A break from TV and gadgets, so campers can be together without distractions.
  • The Great Outdoors!  Lots of time to swim, run, laugh, and enjoy the simple fun that comes from being outside.
  • Fun team sports.

We’ll plan to leave church at 11:30am on the 23rd, grab lunch on the way, and be at check-in by 1:30pm. We’ll use the church but plus a caravan of parents and leaders.

Our final day of camp is on Friday, June 28th. Parents and guardians are welcome at camp at 4:30 pm to meet your camper’s friends and cabin leaders and enjoy a fun wrap-up with our closing ceremony in the camp chapel. Beginning at 5:00 pm you’re invited to celebrate what God has done through the week. We will be wrapped up and have you on the road by 5:45 pm.

Please call or email Ed Burton if you have any questions!


Jun 23 - 28 2024


11:00 am - 6:00 pm




Ed Burton