The Meaning of Lent, Holy Week and Easter – A Missional Outreach Event
The Muslim Outreach Ministry is hosting an outreach event on Tuesday, March 16, at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Pastor Greg will share the meaning of Lent, Holy Week and Easter with our Muslim friends. Along with the presentation there will be time for Q and A, and some people from the Village Church will share about their spiritual practices during Lent.
Many members of the SABAH* community in Franklin Park will join us, and we would like Christians to take this opportunity to see how to share the gospel in a culturally sensitive way with friends of a different religious background.
This event is the first of a two-part series. In April, friends of the Village Church will be invited to learn about Ramadan, the Muslim holy month. Contact Pastor Greg at gbuell@villagechurchnorthbrook.org or 847-830-7320 to RSVP and get the link.