Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study

Our next women’s bible study will be working through the study, Body of Proof: A Study on the Resurrection of Jesus by Jeremiah J. Johnston. Join us as we embark on this Lenten study for four weeks.

The single most important fact of the Christian faith is that Jesus isn’t dead. He was resurrected on a Sunday morning two thousand years ago. That one weekend included His execution, an earthquake, daytime darkness, an uprising, and a miracle unlike any the world had ever seen.

Those events and the days that followed changed everything about the world and form the center of our faith. Yet outside of a few days each year, we don’t spend a lot of time contemplating the resurrection itself.

In this four-session Bible study, we’ll look back on that incredible weekend in scenes from Israel and see why the resurrection of Jesus gives us hope and confidence today.

  • Lead into Easter by examining four reasons to trust and hope in the resurrection of Jesus.
  • Understand why you can accept the resurrection of Jesus as a historical fact.
  • Gain confidence that the resurrection of Jesus is the best explanation for the events of Easter weekend.
  • See the power that Jesus holds over life and death.
  • Learn how the resurrection of Jesus makes sense of loss and suffering.
  • Place your hope in the resurrection to save yourself and others.
  • Discover the resurrection’s power to transform lives, even the lives of those who were previously hostile to the Christian faith.

Join either group: Tuesday mornings at 9:00 – 10:30 am, starting March 5th or Thursday evenings at 6:30 – 8:00 pm, starting March 7th.

Cost: $15 for Study Guide with streaming video access.

Please contact Jan Nickey, jannickey@comcast.net for any further information.


Mar 26 2024


9:00 am - 10:30 am


Fireside Room
Village Church


Jan Nickey