July 4th Community Cookout & Parade
Stop by the church for a free 4th of July Community Cookout from 11:30 to 2:00 pm on Monday. Invite your neighbors for live music, activities for kids, hot dogs, popsicles, face painting and more!
We also invite you to walk with the church in the Northbrook 4th of July parade. The church bus will be decorated, we’ll have a vintage car and pass out bubbles and a summer events flyer. The church is #8 in the parade so at the end walkers will be able to sit and enjoy the rest of the parade entries.
To be a parade walker contact Dick Mulhall at 847-372-6025 or dicknanne@sbcglobal.net or Susan Fraser at 847-606-8037 or susanfras@comcast.net. See you Monday!