
Welcome, Vision, Staff, History, Beliefs


A warm welcome to the Village Church – we look forward to your visit.

We are a multi-generational church in Northbrook, Illinois that is committed to doing God’s work and in joining God’s mission in everyday life throughout our local community and beyond.

Each week we offer two services: a contemporary worship style and a traditional worship style with Sunday school (nursery-5th) offered during the academic year for both services. Services are also live streamed on our sermons page.

Our summer schedule is May 26 through September 1, where our Traditional Service will meet at 8:30 am in the Chapel in the Pines, weather permitting. The Contemporary Service will meet in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am. Kids Ministry is available at the 10:00 am worship service for infants through fifth grade. 

Throughout the fall, winter and spring, our services are at 9:30 am (contemporary) and 11:00 am (traditional). For Kids, Sunday school (nursery-4 yrs) and Kids Ministry (K-5th) are available during the 9:30 am worship service. 



Our Vision

What We Do

We follow Jesus, love and serve one another, and make new disciples in our community and around the world.

How We Do It

Wherever we are, we create a multigenerational movement of disciples that extends faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ. We use God’s blessing of influence in all aspects of our lives to become spiritual leaders in our communities.

Why We Do It

We are called to bless and share the peace of Jesus Christ, helping people take another step closer to God.

Our Staff


Rev. Dr. Spencer Lundgaard

Senior Pastor

Rev. Greg Buell

          Associate Pastor           Discipleship & Caring Ministries

ed burton

Minister of Family Ministries

Luke Stoner

Minister of Contemporary Worship/Sr. High Ministries


joy shiba

Office Manager

Danielle Moritz

Director of Communications

Greg Hartfield

Facilities Manager

Stacy malles

Administrative Assistant


jonathan kim

Director of Music (Traditional)

Sharon Peterson


Charles heesch


Our History

Northbrook, originally Shermerville, was established in 1885. In 1890 some young people from the Congregational Church in Glencoe, with a few friends from Shermerville, started a Sunday School in the Shermerville School House on Waukegan Road across from what is now the Crestwood Senior Center. As that Sunday School grew, a committee of Christians called for a meeting at the railroad station on May 21, 1892 to establish The Hope Union Church of Shermerville. There were difficulties in the early years, and for the first 25 years, the church’s size and vitality was somewhat dependent on itinerant preachers from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.

During the first 30 years, the membership did not increase as there was little money in the area until 1922. In that year, the membership voted to become part of the Presbyterian denomination, in order to bring stability and support to the church. This was the same year that the village of Shermerville changed its name to Northbrook, and the Hope Union Church of Shermerville was renamed Northbrook Presbyterian Church.

On May 15, 1949, the new church building and sanctuary at 1300 Shermer Road was officially dedicated and the congregation became known as The Village Presbyterian Church.

Since its inception, this congregation has been committed to sharing and nurturing faith in Jesus Christ and serving others in the community and throughout the world.

Our Core Beliefs

As a community of faith, called, saved, and made holy by God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we desire to embody and share the good news of Jesus Christ. We believe this involves both participating in the good work God is doing in the world and helping others get to know God themselves. The following values guide us in these pursuits:

If you would like to read more about our beliefs, please click here.

Contact Us

ServIce Times

9:30 am Sunday Contemporary 
11:00 am Sunday Traditional

Summer Months
8:30 am Traditional (Chapel in the Pines)
10:00 am Contemporary (Sanctuary)

Contact Information

(847) 272-0900
1300 Shermer Road 
Northbrook, IL 60062