Lent Prayer Walk
A Prayer Walk is an innovative and delightful way to enjoy reading about and praying about, our community, God, and our faith. Prayer Walks provide a way to be outdoors and connected to the church at the same time. There will be laminated Bible verses and prayer prompts on a path around the church lawn as well as activities for children. This year the focus will be the Seven Last Words of Christ.
The Seven Last Words are the sayings of Jesus from the cross as recorded in the Gospel narratives. Some of them pull from His ancestors’ prayers and songs, reminding us of his deep rootedness in Jewish tradition. Some of them echo themes He taught throughout his ministry — like connection and compassion —their recurrence here seemingly giving them extra emphasis. Some of them remind us just how very human He was. And many of them are words we might hear from the mouths of people in our world today – innocents who still suffer unjustly.
As you participate in this year’s Lent Prayer Walk “The Seven Last Words”, our prayer is that your experience of Lent is enriched, and your connection to the One whose words we remember is deepened through this engagement.