Wonder of the Advent Candle – Zoom Class
We will do a deep dive into the words associated with the candles lit each week during Advent. Be inspired with Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace as we prepare to celebrate Jesus coming to the world, embrace these four powerful themes, and explore how to live them out in our daily lives.
We will meet at 4:00 pm each Advent Sunday – November 28, December 5, 12, and 19 – via Zoom. Participate in one or all of the interactive sessions; come as you can. Any questions, please contact Karen Schlueter at knit2gether@yahoo.com or 847.530.2893.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 833 8893 1651
Passcode: 335772
Meeting ID: 833 8893 1651
Passcode: 335772