
adminInternational, Mexico, Mission Partner


We support two partners in Mexico

Ypujil, Campeche.  Todd Luke has led this ministry for more than 20 years.  The ministry serves local ministries that build cistern to provide safe water to families in the area.  He leads teams from the US to work alongside the local, experienced cistern builders.  See Todd to reserve your place on the next trip.

Ocosingo, Chiapas.  We joined several other US churches to come alongside the Synod of the Tzeltal people.  Pablo Feliciano is a pastor and leader in the local synod of the Mexican Presbyterian Church.  Together with other US churches, we built a medical clinic. Carolyn Santostefano travels with US medical teams travel to Mexico each year that serve hundreds of patients.  Other groups travel to Chiapas to participate in pastor conferences and Sunday School development.