Psalm 22: Trusting in My Deliverer
This summer we're diving into a new series as we journey through the book of Psalms, "On Repeat: Dwe...
Psalm 42: Longing for God
This summer we're diving into a new series as we journey through the book of Psalms, "On Repeat: Dwe...
What's Next?
When we follow Jesus, we sign up for a life filled with unexpected twists and turns. We see this thr...
Jesus Is Still at Work
When we follow Jesus, we sign up for a life filled with unexpected twists and turns. We see this thr...
Opportunities All Around
Paul aims to guide the local church towards recognizing the superiority and sufficiency of Jesus Chr...
The Lordship of Christ
Paul aims to guide the local church towards recognizing the superiority and sufficiency of Jesus Chr...
The Last Temptation: Your Will or God's?
The life of discipleship is a journey that asks much of us as we follow Jesus as Lord and Savior. It...
The First Temptation: Who Will Provide?
The life of discipleship is a journey that asks much of us as we follow Jesus as Lord and Savior. It...
Christ Centered Finances
What would it be like if Jesus Christ were truly at the center of our lives? The center of our: work...